The Buying Process: A Guide to Acquiring a Business

Identifying your buyer type:

Business Boutique has received many enquiries from potential buyers over the years, which can be divided into three main categories:

The Investor

These are individuals, groups, or companies who aim to invest in a business without actively participating in its operations, with a primary goal of earning a return on investment.

The Entrepreneur

These are experienced business owners looking to expand or diversify their operations. Most often, they come from a family of entrepreneurs.

The ``New`` Entrant

These are individuals seeking to own a business, trading stability and regular salary for the excitement and potentially higher earnings of being an entrepreneur.

Step 1.

Compile a business acquisition plan

Before you start your search for a business to buy, it’s crucial to understand who you are and what you’re looking for. Take some time to reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, and relevant experience in the industry you want to enter.

Your acquisition plan should include the type of business you’re seeking, the location, expected income, and the professionals you’ll need to help you with the acquisition.

Business Boutique Brokers, governed by the South African Institute of Professional Accountants, is bound by their code of ethics, constitution and members manual.

As a network of brokers, we offer our clients a centralised database of business opportunities.

Find an experienced business broker

Step 2.

Step 3.

Sign a non-disclosure agreement

Business details and information are confidential, and Business Boutique will only share details with you after signing a non-disclosure agreement. This protects the details of the business and is expected by the seller.

To ensure that your expectations align with market realities, it’s essential to have a good understanding of the current business market. The Business Boutique will provide valuable insight and market information to help you set realistic expectations.

Set realistic expectations

Step 4.

Step 5.

Start your search

Business Boutique will help you find relevant business opportunities based on your acquisition plan and expectations. You can expect excellent service from our professional team, using our vast database of businesses for sale and our network of brokers.

Once you’ve found a business you’re interested in, the next step is visiting the business and meeting with the owner. The Business Boutique will arrange the meeting and ensure that you are introduced professionally and all your concerns and questions are answered.

Meet with the owner

Step 6.

Step 7.

Negotiate the sale

With Business Boutique, you can expect professional support during the negotiation process to ensure that all your concerns are met, and your acquisition plan is fulfilled. Our broker will effectively communicate between the parties until an agreement is reached.

A written offer, including a deposit, is crucial to show the seller that you’re serious about acquiring their business. Business Boutique has extensive experience in drafting Sales Agreements.

Put an offer into writing

Step 8.

Step 9.

Complete due diligence

If your offer is accepted, the seller must provide you with any necessary information to complete due diligence. The Business Boutique will assist you in obtaining these documents, and you’ll need to confirm in writing that you’re satisfied with the due diligence process.

If your offer is subject to financing, the Business Boutique can arrange to fund or introduce you to funding houses. During this process, keep the seller and broker informed of your progress.

Raise finance

Step 10.

Step 11.

Approval of the Lease Agreement

It’s also essential to secure a new lease or a cession of the existing lease and have your attorney approve the lease agreement.

Your broker can assist in arranging for a smooth takeover, including a stock take if needed, and making the final payment to the seller on your behalf.

Take Over

Step 12.


If you need further assistance or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the head office for support.